Accompanying growth
A valuable project which starts in 2008 as consequence of a specific necessity: the need to accompany youth, helping them to transit the moments of recreation with values, restrained and with limits. It’s a solid network formed by the school, parents, former pupils and Club Newman and dedicated to organize talks with specialized people, parties and communication workshops to deal with indispensable issues and to offer tools to parents.

Talleres por edad

Charlas con especialistas

Fiestas por camada
Charla Maritchu Seitún: “La Familia en Cuarentena: cuando las emociones se potencian”
“Gracias gracias…Qué buen rato de compartir sentires en esta cuarentena. Claridad y mirada amorosa de esto que nos pasa a todos.” Damasia Ricur.
El jueves 30 de abril, 430 asistentes virtuales compartieron la charla de Maritchu Seitún.
Accompanying growth
- Cesar Doretti
- Laura Pereyra Iraola
- María Luisa Lagos
- Alan Carey
- Javier Saravia
- Carlos Uranga
- Carolina Brandi de Leupold
- Agustina Campos
- Javier Lowenthal
- Sol Bullrich
- Paula Cafferata
- Carolina Biasotti
- Marcelo Diez
- Marcos Monpelat
- Francisco Masferrer
- Alberto Olivero