New Platform: Contact & Opportunities
We have launched a new platform so that all former students can be even closer. With the possibility of being able to access the Directory by graduation year and countries, employment opportunities, services and to the latest news (with exclusive personal account access). Name, graduation year, address, e-mail, occupation and Linkedin is the information that is published in the Directory. Family details and mobile numbers are confidential.
We ask you please to register and to have your own account to access the information and to publish as well. The success of this platform depends on us. Thank you!
Here, once you have previously registered, you can access contact information of former pupils. Do not forget to dissipate any queries contacting your class delegate, or by writing to contacto@exnewman.org.
Contact Network
Database of former pupils. Register and reach out to whoever you need to contact!
Job Pool
Find job opportunities for your professional career.
Network of Services
Do you provide a service and would like to publicize? This is the appropriate site.
Newman in the world
Are you abroad? Contact former pupils in your country.
Una Asociación con 65 años de historia

A legacy of friendship
- Former Pupils Association
This Association involves all of us, since the first graduates in 1953 until the new ones of each year, formed with the intention of preserving the values of friendship, solidarity and respect bequeathed by the school and which, in one way or another, determines what we are today. It’s an organization that started reuniting friends with a common past, and is committed to strengthening friendship bonds and, maintaining the spirit of comradeship transmitted at school by teachers, professors and Christian Brothers.
Our first graduates. Sitting from left to right: E. López Frugoni, Juan Anderson, J Méndez, H. Bullrich, M. Calandrelli, L. Deferrari, G. Lee, J. M. González Cháves, S. Laspiur, J. Martini. Standing from left to right: J. Murtagh, M. Fernández Madero, E. Young, C. Castilla, C. Young, F. von der Heyde, A. Reynal, C. Etcheverrigaray, R. Saraví Tiscornia, C. Chevallier Boutell.
Comisión directiva
Marcos Monpelat
- Damián Bourdieu
- Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar
- Ricardo Ferrer
- Adrián Sobral
- Javier Lowenthal
- Rómulo Suaya.
- Pedro Dhers
- Juan Pablo Jutard
- Andy Anderson
- Paul Buenader
- Julio Sbarra
- Tomás Romero Carranza