Secondary school

We educate and form people based on three main axes:
- An integral and balanced proposal
- Centered in the student as main protagonist
- And convinced the educator is the motor of transformation

Spiritual and religious formation: Formation based in the encounter with God, with the other and with oneself while respecting Creation.

Academic Quality: Challenging plans of studies with highly competent staff. Orientation in Economic, Natural and Social Sciences. Integrated exams. National and International exams. Permanent staff trainings. New 6th Secondary Year university format.

Bilingual Education: Communication, production and comprehension skills for a globalized world. Cambridge examinations, IGCSE, IELTS. Debating and IMUN (United Nation Model).

Digital Transformation: Programming, robotics, computational thinking. Alliance with Digital House and Lego.

Human formation in values: Growing as complete persons and engaged with the others. Education Counseling Team, mentors, pastoral activities, communication workshops.

Sports and physical education: Weekly classes and incentives in diverse disciplines: rugby, athletics, basketball, volleyball. Interschools events/competitions. Camping trips and encounters. 6th Year Rugby Tour, swimming and rowing. Prevention, training and health Workshops.

Soft Skills: Critical thinking, creativity, debate, oratory, empathy, collaborative work, entrepreneurship, discipline, resilience, order, solving problems.

Art: disciplines to express, create, explore, discover. Theatre, choir, plastic and visual arts, photography, orchestra – flute, bronze, violin, cello, guitar.