“Just as You sent me into the world. I also send them to the world.”
John 17.18
These are experiences that students and staff do every year in Peru and Bolivia.
The group is welcomed by Brothers and they spend a week with the community, sharing different activities and prayer moments. Members of the Pastoral team accompany the delegation on these trips.

This experience is only for 6th year students. There are two different trips, one is students only and the other, they travel with their father. They travel to Lima, Peru, and do work in a suburb, San Juan de Lurigancho, where the Christian Brothers have been working since many years and where Bro. Paul Keohane left a deep mark.

This is an experience organized for 4 5th year students, 4 members of staff and two members of the Pastoral team. They go to Cochabamba, Bolivia and share and accompany the Brothers in their social work.
“It was a very enriching experience. We had the opportunity of meeting Br. Paul and Steve, persons with an enormous heart. From building a house for a paraplegic woman to visiting a home for disabled children. All experiences that filled the soul, and which I never lived before.
Juan Soldati, former pupil 2019