Many projects, one sole purpose
“To come closer to those in need”
Following Edmund Rice’s spirit of solidarity, parents, school personnel, former pupils and students (through Pastoral Care) accompany and help offering time, abilities and affection to children and adults in the 16 projects supported by SER.

Parish Institute
Santo Domingo Savio
- Since 2006 we accompany the school offering support in Primary School through games.
- Our young secondary students give learning support to secondary students.
- We organize the secondary library.

El Arca Argentina
El Arca Argentina has a home and workshops for people with different capacities in vulnerable situations.
Since 2011, voluntary mothers cook from Monday to Friday for those who attend the workshops and the coordinators. In the afternoon they help with handicrafts workshops.

Sewing workshop Santa Clara
Since 1997, this workshop prepares and collects material and equipment to teach sewing and knitting to women of Jose Leon Suarez and San Cayetano Parish, giving them the opportunity to develop working and discipline skills, generating moments to share and to listen. This workshop receives donations which are shared with other 14 workshops around the country.

Learning support
Since 2009, Newman mothers and teachers help and assist 35 children with learning difficulties with personal coaching
They go twice a week to Copacabana Parrish in Boulogne.
Ricardo Rojas
Voluntarios de colegio Newman colaboran junto al Padre Jaime (párroco de la Parroquia San Juan Bautista, del barrio Ricardo Rojas – Tigre) en las obras parroquiales y el barrio.

San Pedro Claver School
In this secondary parish school we work in:
- Vocational guidance for 6th year students.
- Job training and support for alumni.
- Student accompaniment through counselors and psychologists.
- Secretarial tasks.
- Cooking workshop.

Home Niño Amanecer
This institution includes a maternal day care center, kindergarden, and learning support for primary students and gives two daily meals to 450 children.
Newman volunteers help in a Reading Programme.

Caritas San Juan Bautista
Every week in the Parish of Santa Marta, women from the neighbourhood meet in an organized encounter of sharing, prayer and communication dynamics with the participation of Newman volunteers who also organize transfer and delivery of packs of food donated by families of the Newman community.

Home for Young People Levantate y Camina (Rise and walk)
This rehabilitation center was founded in 2015 as part of a programme designed by the Diocese and Municipality of San Isidro to contain young people and address their problematic issues of addictions.
Newman participates organizing some workshops.

Center of Integrated Assistance
This centre works offering an integrated proposal for adolescents in situations of risk and social exclusion. Some of the offered workshops are: Language and literature, Mathematics, learning techniques, recreational games and professional formation. 150 young people attend and they are also provided with a daily meal.
Newman collaborates with donations.

Scholarships Sembrando Futuro (Sowing future)
We grant scholarships to former pupils of San Pedro Calver for them to continue their formation with college/university studies, with the support of Newman volunteers.
Otorgamos becas para estudios terciarios/universitarios a exalumnos de San Pedro Claver con el acompañamiento de voluntarios de Newman para que puedan avanzar en sus proyectos de vida.
Projects that Pastoral accompanies with students
- Leisure with disabled people: Cosechando Alegría and Mary Rice Olympics.
- Visits to people in street situation: Homeless
- Visits to foster homes: Rincón de la Esperanza Home
- Mission: Edmund Rice Missionary Group